Friday, August 31, 2018

Ask Linda #1793-Ball crosses lateral hazard and lands out of bounds

Hi Linda,
Thanks for all of your hard work and education. I hope your most recent trip went well! 
My boss and I have differing opinions on how to handle lateral hazards that run alongside an out-of-bounds area. One of your readers drew a diagram in the Monday, February 1, 2016 Ask Linda #1245-Ball flies over water hazard and lands in lateral hazard question/answer. 
Referencing that same diagram, if my tee shot were to cross the red area (lateral hazard) but come to rest in the blue area (out of bounds), do I proceed by: 
1) getting relief from the water hazard since my ball crossed the water hazard before exiting the course, or 
2) penalized under the out-of-bounds rules because my ball comes to rest in a spot that is not on the golf course.
Best Regards,
Lou from Los Angeles, California

Dear Lou,

Ask yourself: Where is the ball? The ball in your scenario lies out of bounds. The question is never how the ball got there; the question is always where it lies. You must proceed under stroke and distance any time you hit your ball off the golf course [Rule 27-1].

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