Saturday, August 18, 2018

Ask Linda #1782a-Response to #1782-Ball on green in position to assist partner

Hi Linda,
In response to your reply, I don’t believe that is the case in pairs stroke play or pairs match play.

If my partner’s ball is on the green and my ball is off the green, I can ask for my partner’s ball to be left in place in order to assist with the shot I am about to play.

Playing as a pair entitles you to do this under the Rules and your competitors in stroke play and opponents in match play cannot ask for the ball to be marked.

Kind regards,
Lulu from Cheshire, U.K.

Dear Lulu,

Really? I will ask you the same question I suggest readers ask other golfers when they are presented with a ruling that they believe to be incorrect: Where in the rulebook does it state that partners in match play or stroke play are exempt from Rule 22-1? I will copy below for you all of Rule 22-1 (the highlights are mine). Please send me the Rule that exempts partners from this Rule.

22-1. Ball Assisting Play 
Except when a ball is in motion, if a player considers that a ball might assist any other player, he may: 
a. Lift the ball if it is his ball; or 
b. Have any other ball lifted. 
A ball lifted under this Rule must be replaced (see Rule 20-3). The ball must not be cleaned, unless it lies on the putting green (see Rule 21). 
In stroke play, a player required to lift his ball may play first rather than lift the ball. 
In stroke play, if the Committee determines that competitors have agreed not to lift a ball that might assist any competitorthey are disqualified. 
Note: When another ball is in motion, a ball that might influence the movement of the ball in motion must not be lifted.
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