Saturday, August 25, 2018

Ask Linda #1788a-Response to #1788 – Good advice!

Hi Linda,

I’d personally go further and make “carrying an extra ball” a basic rule of the game! Just joking of course. I become as frustrated as can be waiting for my fellow golfers to wander back to their bag or cart for another ball when they have hit their first out of bounds or want to play a provisional. It’s such an unnecessary waste of time, particularly as we are doing everything we can to speed up play.

For as long as I can remember I have carried an extra ball in my pocket. It’s always quite distinct from my “normal” ball both in make and colour so, on the rare occasion when I do have to hit a second ball, (a) I have it to hand and can hit it when it’s again my turn to do so; and (b) it’s never confused with my first … nor for that matter with any of my playing mates. The current version is a bright orange; the previous one had pretty green flowers on it. I have enough variety in my bag to make sure that if I see any one in my group with one as obvious as mine I can and do change it.


Lou from Australia J