Friday, March 9, 2018

Ask Linda #1716-Replace divot before hitting ball

Hi Linda, 
A player makes a stroke on the fairway and strikes the ground a few inches behind the ball causing a divot, but does not cause the ball to move. The player then replaces the divot before playing the next stroke. 

I am of the opinion the player would be subject to a 2-stroke penalty for improving her lie under Rule 13-2. However, there are others who disagree with my interpretation of the Rule.

I would appreciate your assessment of the situation.

Lou from Bermuda

Dear Lou,

Your understanding is correct. This player has breached Rule 13-2. A player who worsens his lie, or the area of his intended swing, or his line of play, is not entitled to restore the area to its original condition. The player would incur a penalty of two strokes in stroke play (loss of hole in match play) for improving the lie of the ball or the area of his intended stance or swing.

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