Hi Linda,
Can you please clear up a couple of problems concerning
boundary stakes and penalties?
1) On a backswing a boundary stake is touched and moved
slightly but not dislodged.
2) On a backswing a boundary stake is dislodged and the
stroke is discontinued.
3) On a backswing a boundary stake is dislodged but the
stroke is continued.
Lou from Bodicote, England, UK
Dear Lou,
Rule 13-2 states that a player must not improve the area of
his intended swing by moving, bending, or breaking anything fixed. However, it
goes on to say that the player incurs no penalty if the action occurs when he
makes the stroke or in the backswing if he completes the stroke.
Based on this information, here are the answers to your
(1) If the player touches the boundary stake on his
backswing, moves the stake slightly, and completes his swing, there is no
penalty. (If he discontinues his swing, he cannot avoid the
two-stroke/loss-of-hole penalty if he improves the area of his intended swing.)
(2) If the boundary stake is dislodged and the stroke is
discontinued, the player incurs a two-stroke/loss-of-hole penalty for improving
the area of his intended swing.
(3) If the boundary stake is dislodged on the backswing but
the player completes the stroke, there is no penalty.
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