Saturday, November 21, 2015

Rules School Goal is Reached

Dear readers,

I was very touched by your immediate and generous response. The entire fee for the PGA/USGA Rules of Golf Workshop was raised in less than a week. As of today my room and board expenses have been covered as well.

A great big hug and a humble thank you to all of you Lulus and Lous for your help and your many kind words. It is gratifying to learn that my efforts are so appreciated. When I started this blog back in 2008, there was no certainty that a sizable Internet audience would be interested in answers to other people’s golf rules questions, nor whether the many hours spent researching and writing would be worth the effort. I have, of course, learned that there are a great number of people who have a sincere desire to learn how to play this game by the rules. I feel honored that you trust me to help you.

I have sent a brief thank you to every contributor (for whom I had an e-mail address on file). I was unable to e-mail those of you who have never submitted a question – I don’t have your e-mail addresses. Some of you did not even include a name with your contribution – you are truly an anonymous Lou or Lulu, but appreciated nonetheless.

I have answered every question I have ever received. All answers are not posted on the blog. (Right now I have a backlog of over 200 questions and answers waiting to be posted.) If you continue to use Ask Linda as a last resort (which helps to keep the volume of questions down), I will continue trying to answer each question that comes my way. The workshop should give me the knowledge to write more insightful answers.

Quite honestly, I have come to regard all of you as my friends. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support.

Warm regards,