Thursday, November 30, 2017

Ask Linda #1654-Relief for embedded ball through the green

Hi Linda,
Once again I ask for your assistance.
My club introduced a local rule permitting relief for plugged balls through the green. They have however omitted the cleaning of the ball, as they do not want to allow this.
They say the wording in the rule is only a "recommendation," and that they can therefore amend it to leave out the word "clean.”
My view is that the recommended wording is simply to allow a club to adopt the local rule without referring to the R&A, USGA. I believe that they can't adopt any other wording without referring to the USGA, R&A, as this would be modifying a rule of golf without authority. 
I welcome your valued experience in this matter.
Kind regards,
Lou from England

Dear Lou,

My “valued experience” leads me to the same answer you suggest.

Rule 25-2, which provides relief for an embedded ball, limits that relief to balls embedded in closely-mown areas. It allows the player to lift, clean, and drop the ball without penalty.

The purpose of Local Rule 3a in Appendix I is to extend the relief provided for an embedded ball in Rule 25-2 to “through the green” (meaning to all areas of the golf course except the teeing ground and putting green of the hole you are playing and all hazards). When this Local Rule is adopted, the player must still follow the instructions for taking relief from an embedded ball as written in Rule 25-2; the only difference is that the restriction to closely-mown areas is lifted.

If the player were taking relief for a ball embedded in the rough, for example, the player, observing the procedure in Rule 25-2, would lift his ball, clean it (if he so desired), and drop it as close as possible to the spot where it was embedded, no closer to the hole.

The wording in the Local Rules is provided to save the Committee the trouble of composing the Local Rule. It is “recommended” because it is correct. The Committee may choose to use its own words, instead of the recommended wording, but it may not change the contents of the Rule. In this case, the Committee may, for example, include the meaning of “through the green” (the term used at the beginning of this Local Rule) instead of using that specific term, but it may not change the basic Rule itself, which allows the player to clean the ball.

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