Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Ask Linda #1653-Cart path interferes with ball next to path

A girl in my group had her ball stop right next to the cart path but not on it. If she tried to hit the ball, her club would have hit the cart path and probably would have damaged her club. Would she be allowed a free drop? Thank you for answering the question.
Lulu from Green Valley, Arizona

Dear Lulu,


The player is entitled to free relief when an immovable obstruction, such as a cart path, interferes with her stance or the area of her intended swing [Rule 24-2a]. Interference is interference – there is no requirement that the ball lie on the obstruction for the player to get free relief.

By the way, sometimes grass grows over the edge of a cart path. If it doesn’t seem likely that your swing will contact the visible path, but you suspect that there might be cart path under your ball, it’s a good idea to probe the ground near the ball. Use your divot tool or a long tee.

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