Hi Linda,
Is information about the wind (it's a helping wind, it's
blowing left to right, etc.) the type of advice that cannot be given or asked?
It does affect club selection, but I don't see it specifically mentioned in the
Thanks for your help!
Best regards,
Lulu from New York and Florida
Dear Lulu,
“Advice” is defined as “any counsel or suggestion that could
influence a player in determining his play, the choice of a club or the method
of making a stroke.”
Telling another player that “it’s a helping wind,” or “it’s
blowing left to right,” or asking another player which direction the wind is
blowing, is clearly advice. The penalty is two strokes (loss of hole in match
Be aware that the penalty is assessed to the player who asks
for advice, or the player who gives advice, or both players if one asks and the
other answers. The correct answer to “Which way is the wind blowing?” is: “You
have incurred a two-stroke penalty for asking for advice. If I answer, I will
incur the same penalty.”
If you enjoy chatting with your fellow competitors, it’s
best to talk about the children, the local sports team, or the latest episode
of Game of Thrones.
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