Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Ask Linda #1810-Ball lodges in branch overhanging GUR

Hi Linda,
We have a situation in one part of our course where there is an area marked GUR (ground under repair) but outside that area there is a tree which has a branch which overhangs the GUR area.
Part of the Definition of GUR states that “the margin of ground under repair extends vertically downwards but not upwards.”
Player hits his shot and the ball lodges in that branch above the GUR.
The player declares the ball unplayable and has three options under Rule 28. Can he select option C (“drop a ball within two club-lengths of the spot where the ball lay, but not nearer the hole” – under penalty of one stroke)?
Does he measure the two club-lengths from a position immediately under where the ball was lodged (similar to Decision 28/11), and if that position is still in the GUR can he then claim free relief?
This is the way I ruled when approached by the group concerned.
Was I correct?
Thanks Linda
Lou from extremely dry western NSW Australia

Dear Lou,

Yes. Your ruling was absolutely correct.

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