Monday, September 24, 2018

Ask Linda #1808-Ball lands in golf cart

Good morning, Linda.
We enjoy reading your golf rulings...................

When playing the 9th hole at our course in Indiana, one of the golfer's second shot hit the golf cart of one of the other golfers. I heard it hit the cart, but did not see it. We searched for the ball, moving the cart about 20 feet. Finally we found the ball in the golf cart golf bag compartment between the golf bags. Having moved the cart and the unusual circumstance, what Rule applies to this scenario?
Lou from Indianapolis, Indiana 

Dear Lou,

The ball must be dropped as near as possible to the spot underneath where it originally landed in the golf cart, before the cart was moved [Rule 19-1]. In match play, if the cart belongs to your opponent, you have two options: drop as just explained, or cancel and repeat the shot [Rule 19-3].

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