Friday, September 7, 2018

Ask Linda #1798-Marker pole immovable

Whilst playing in the monthly medal, one member of our group skied his drive and finished some 6 or 7 yards short of the fairway marker pole. He said it was a movable object but was unable to pull it out of the ground and so asked for relief because it was on the line of the ball flight. We argued that it had to be classed as an immovable object and therefore he was not entitled to relief. At which point the toys came out of the pram. Would much welcome your ruling.
Lou from Tankersley Park, U.K.

Dear Lou,

The marker pole is not a movable obstruction if it cannot be easily pulled from the ground. By Definition, it is an immovable obstruction. As such, the player is not entitled to line-of-play relief. He is only entitled to free relief from an immovable obstruction when it interferes with his stance or the area of his intended swing [Rule 24-2a].

If the player feels the need to take relief, he may declare his ball unplayable [Rule 28]. All of the relief options for an unplayable ball include a one-stroke penalty.

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