Friday, November 11, 2016

Ask Linda #1419-Drop outside hazard is in casual water

Hello Linda,
I’m wondering if you could advise on the following condition. During a game recently a player hit into a lateral water hazard. He picked up the ball and wanted to drop within 2 club-lengths of where the ball entered the hazard. However there was casual water in the area where he should drop – it was not water from the hazard.
Can he proceed to drop within the 2 club-lengths under penalty into the casual water and then get a free drop, as there was casual water in his dropping area?
Lou from Sri Lanka 

Dear Lou,

Yes. The player must take relief in two steps – one drop under penalty and one free drop.

Under Rule 26-1c, he may drop within two club-lengths of the point where his ball last crossed the margin of the lateral hazard. This drop includes a one-stroke penalty.

After the drop, if he has interference from casual water, he is entitled to a free drop under Rule 25-1.

Here are two related Decisions you might find helpful: 1-4/8 and 25-1b/11.5.

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