Thursday, August 22, 2019

Ask Linda 1982-Blown coffee cup moves ball in motion on green

Dear Linda, 
During a particularly windy 4-Ball stroke event, Partner A was on the green and putting. His Partner B's coffee cup, which was in the shared cart, blew out and struck Partner A's ball as he putted, causing it to move off line. No one knew what to do in this circumstance and Partner B went ahead and played the ball as it lay without penalty.

Because the coffee cup belonged to his partner, should it have been considered equipment belonging to the partnership or would this be considered accidental movement of the ball on the green? 

Thank you, 
Lou from Hawaii.

Dear Lou,

The player must replace and replay. The stroke does not count. The original ball (or any ball) must be replaced on its original spot [Rule 11.1b, Exception 2]. 

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