Monday, August 12, 2019

Ask Linda 1974-Set club on ground to show line of play

Hi Linda, 
Please clarify the following:

Instead of standing behind the ball to line up her putt by holding and pointing her putter straight out in front of her towards the hole, my opponent bent down on her haunches and placed the heel of her club, some distance in front of the ball, with the shaft extended on the ground as she would if standing and pointing, to line up her putt.  Please note, that in my opinion, she was not testing the surface of the green.  Is this allowed?  Thanks.

Lulu from Ontario, Canada

Dear Lulu,

The player is not permitted to set anything down on (or off) the putting green to show her the line of play. If she does so, she will get the general penalty (loss of hole/two strokes), even if she removes the object before she putts [Rule 10.2b(2)].

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