Monday, August 5, 2019

Ask Linda 1969-Reposition flagstick in hole

Hi, Linda:
Could you please help out with this one because I'm not sure whether I've covered all possible rules that may be breached.
The flagstick is in the hole, but is NOT centered.
1. If my partner asks for the flag to be removed, can I then advise my partner that the flag is angled in his favor (which suggests he should change his mind)?
2. Conversely, (and just in case the answer would be different) can my partner ask me whether or not the flag is in his favor?
3. Can our opponents insist that it be reseated centrally before he putts?
Many thanks for all your help over the years.
Lou from England

Dear Lou,

1. You may tell your partner anything you wish. Partners are permitted to advise one another.

2. Same answer as #1.

3. No. The player is permitted to putt with the flagstick in whatever position it may be when he arrives at the green, or he may have it centered. The opponents may not insist that the flagstick be centered, and the player may not reposition the flagstick to any position other than centered [Rule 13.2a].

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