Thursday, October 18, 2018

Ask Linda #1826-Look into player’s bag to learn what club he used

Hi Linda,
Excuse me my bad English. 
Did you see in Ryder Cup Sunday match Tiger see in the bag of Rahm he used an 8 iron, and tell to his caddie?  Is this legal? 
Lulu from Caracas, Venezuela

Dear Lulu,

I did not witness this, but I can tell you that it is perfectly legal to peer into another player’s bag to try to ascertain what club he used. Any information that you get through observation is permissible, and is not considered advice [Decision 8-1/10].

However, you may not try to learn what club a player used through a physical act. If the player had covered his clubs with a towel, for example, you would not be permitted to remove the towel to view his clubs [Decision 8-1/11].

I have a great deal of respect for my non-English-speaking readers who struggle to communicate in a foreign language. When I publish a question that some readers may have difficulty understanding, I make a few grammatical corrections but try my best to keep the original flavor. Don’t ever hesitate to write because you’re not fluent in English. One way or another, I will figure out what you’re trying to ask.

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