Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Ask Linda 1924-Place club on ground to help with alignment

Hi Linda, 
On a few occasions in the past I have put my club down on the ground in the direction I was going to hit the ball, lined up, picked up my club and hit the ball. I was told by many pros that this was legal. Is that true still, or did they change the rule this year?
Thank you, 
Lulu from Canton, Georgia

Dear Lulu,

You may no longer place a club on the ground to help line yourself up. You will get the general penalty (loss of hole/two strokes) if you take your stance with the club on the ground, even if you pick it up before you hit. Here is the Rule:

10.2  Advice and Other Help

b. Other Help

(3) No Setting Down Object to Help in Taking Stance. A player must not take a stance for the stroke using any object that was set down by or for the player to help in lining up his or her feet or body, such as a club set down on the ground to show the line of play.
If the player takes a stance in breach of this Rule, he or she cannot avoid penalty by backing away from the stance and removing the object.

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