Friday, June 27, 2014

Ask Linda #870-Relief for ball unplayable in bush

Linda, there are some bushes in the middle of our fairway. The ball was hit into the bushes and, although we could get the ball, it was unplayable. Do you have to take the penalty drop within 2 club-lengths or can you take the ball back as far as you like (as long as it is in line with the flag)?

Lou from Birmingham, England

Dear Lou,

Rule 28 offers you three options for relief if you decide your ball is unplayable. Under penalty of one stroke, you may:

(1) play a ball under stroke and distance (your original or a different one);
(2) drop a ball behind where the ball lies in the bush on the line-of-sight to the hole; or
(3) drop a ball within two club-lengths of the spot where the ball lies, no closer to the hole.

If you choose option #2, there is no limit to how far back you may drop.
If you choose option #3, remember to measure your two club-lengths from the ball.

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