Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ask Linda #571a-Repair damage on green

Dear Linda,

It appears to me that Lulu said the acorn is partially embedded on the putting green [Ask Linda #571]. If so, while she may remove the partially embedded acorn, it is my understanding that she is not allowed to repair the dent on the putting green, right?


Dear Lou,

Your understanding is absolutely correct, Lou. A player is limited to repairing old hole plugs and ball marks on the green. Any other damage to the green may not be repaired if it will assist him in his play [Rule 16-1c].

So if a player has removed a partially embedded acorn on his line of putt, he may not repair the indentation until after he putts past it. If he makes his repair before he putts, the penalty is two strokes.

I don’t want to discourage anyone from repairing the green, but it is safest to do so after you have holed out.

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