Monday, December 3, 2012

Ask Linda #567-Double hit in alternate shot

I was playing in a 27-hole tournament yesterday consisting of 9 holes scramble, 9 holes best ball and 9 holes alternate shot. We had 2-person teams and the alternate shot was Pinehurst, I believe. Both players teed off and then the team selected the tee ball to play and the other person played, alternating from there in.

The other team hit their tee balls and player A's ball was selected. Player B then chipped and in the process double hit the ball on the follow though.

How should this have been scored/handled?  

My understanding is that since the player B double hit he would have incurred 2 strokes but the second stroke is out of turn.  Does the team have to take 2 strokes plus a penalty stroke for playing out of turn?

Lou from Missouri

Dear Lou,

No. Player B did not play out of turn. He made one stroke that accidentally contacted the ball twice. This counts as two strokes in his score – one for the actual stroke and one penalty stroke for the second touch [Rule 14-4].

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