Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ask Linda #676-Ball in mulch, feet on cart path

Dear Linda,
We were playing the other day and my playing partner's ball ended up in the mulch near some young plants. If he tries to hit that ball he will be standing on the cart path. We cannot find any Local rules about the young plant, but since he is standing on the cart path we figured he was entitled to relief under Obstruction. Are we right?
Thank you,

Dear Lou,

Yes. You are entitled to relief if you have to stand on a cart path to hit a ball. You must find the nearest point of relief no closer to the hole, and drop within one club-length of that spot.

If there were no cart path to interfere with your swing, you would have to play the ball as it lies in the mulch. A golf course that wants to protect young plants from wayward golfers needs to let them know that free relief from flowerbeds is mandatory. If you suspect you may damage a young plant with your swing, you might try to call the clubhouse first, if possible – the starter may have neglected to mention the prohibition.

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