Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ask Linda #591-Ball in tree in GUR

Hello Linda,

Can you tell me what the situation is regarding a ball remaining in a tree in a ground under repair area?

Many thanks

Dear Lulu,

The ball is in ground under repair (GUR), and you are entitled to free relief within one club-length of the nearest point of relief (NPR) outside the GUR not nearer to the hole [Rule 25-1b]. (The NPR may not be in a hazard or on a putting green.) The Definition of GUR explains that anything growing in the GUR (grass, bushes, trees, etc.) is part of the GUR.

Here’s an interesting variation on your question. Suppose your ball has lodged in the branch of a tree that is growing in GUR. The branch extends outside the margin of the GUR, and the ground directly below your ball is outside the GUR. Where is your ball? Under the Rules, your ball is in GUR – the tree is growing in the GUR, and your ball is touching the tree. You would be entitled to free relief [Decision 25/10.5].

And one more related ruling… If your ball lies outside the GUR, and a tree growing in the GUR interferes with your swing, you are entitled to free relief [Decision 25-1a/1].

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