Saturday, December 17, 2011

Ask Linda #387a-May you re-tee?

Hi Linda

Re your sentence in Ask Linda #387: "you may not re-tee if the ball was knocked off the tee", possibly I misunderstand you.
Based on Decision18-2a/2 the player may re-tee, however with 1 penalty stroke – do you agree?
Regards –Lulu

Dear Lulu,

When I answered the reader’s question in #387, I thought she was asking whether she could simply re-tee the ball and start the hole over if her swing knocked the ball off the tee. The answer to that question is “no.”

If your swing knocks the ball off the tee, yes, you may re-tee the ball. However, if you make the decision to re-tee, you are playing your next shot under stroke and distance (albeit a very short distance). Your second tee shot is your third shot on the hole.

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