Friday, September 19, 2014

Ask Linda #918-Is relief from GUR compulsory?

Hi Linda,

I have written to you previously and had to apologise to playing partner. Not seriously, I just like to own up to my mistakes. I love your emails and seeing I am now playing on a resort course where rules are pretty slack if even known, I have really fallen behind on the rules. When in a ladies regular competition in Sydney, we had rulings explained to us every time we played and there were never any misunderstandings or misinterpretations.

Now Linda, yesterday I was playing at our club in Australia on the Gold Coast. My girlfriend and I were playing with two men, both fairly new players and high markers. I guess I should have not commented, but I pointed out to one of the guys that he was in a GUR bunker and he needed to drop outside of bunker. I was quite sure I was right, but on the next hole he had pulled out his rulebook and told me he was entitled to do so and that there was a requirement from local rules which would alternatively say that it was compulsory to drop outside the bunker and only then would he have needed to drop outside.

Was I wrong (AGAIN)? I did apologise to him on the next hole, saying if that is what the rule states I am sorry. However I did come home and read my rulebook which is 2004-2007 printing and really couldn’t get to grips with the ruling.

Could you please help me here, either to mind my own business or at the least, know my rules……. LOL

Thanks heaps and have a great Xmas.

Lulu from Australia

Dear Lulu,

Relief from ground under repair (GUR) is optional. If you look at Rule 25-1b, you will see that it states “a player may take relief…” The language in the rulebook is very particular. If a Rule says “may,” relief is optional; if a Rule says “must,” relief is mandatory.

There is a Local Rule that allows a Committee to prohibit play from ground under repair. Sometimes you will get a notice to that effect in the clubhouse; sometimes there will be a sign at the GUR stating that play is prohibited. When relief is required, a player is penalized two strokes (or loss of hole in match play) if she plays from the protected GUR.

There have been quite a few rule changes since 2004. I would like to see you purchase an up-to-date rulebook (or two: one for your golf bag and one to keep handy in the house). The USGA offered free rulebooks this year for the asking. Even if the R&A is not as generous, the cost of a new book is minimal and an important investment for any golfer who wishes to play by the Rules (meaning all golfers, I would like to think).

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