Thursday, March 14, 2013

Ask Linda #623-Touch loose impediment in hazard

Linda…in a recent round I hit a ball into a lateral hazard. The ball was playable but was leaning up against a rather large stick. I am well aware that you cannot move a loose impediment in a hazard, but all I can say is that I had a brain cramp. I reached down to touch the stick to see if there was any way I could move the stick without moving the ball and immediately realized if I moved the stick the ball would also move.  Since the stick was going to be a problem, I decided that my best option was to take two club-lengths from the point of entry. After taking my drop my playing partner reminded me that I could not move the stick anyway, even if the ball did not move, since I was in the Hazard (note: I felt rather stupid at this point). Here is my question… was it a penalty for simply touching the loose impediment (i.e., the stick)? Neither the stick nor the ball changed position in the slightest, but I did touch the stick with my finger. Thanks.

Lou from Texas

Dear Lou,

Brace yourself, Lou. You are not permitted to touch or move a loose impediment in a hazard when your ball lies in that hazard [Rule 13-4c and 23-1, Note]. The fact that the stick did not move is irrelevant. As soon as you touched it, you incurred the two-stroke penalty (loss of hole in match play).

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