Thursday, March 14, 2019

Ask Linda 1875-Relief from junction box

Hi Linda, 
When playing golf yesterday, my Tee shot came to rest one foot in front and middle of the metal electricity junction box (about 2 feet wide), a little beyond the boundary of the Fairway. As my back swing to the intended line of play was being interfered with by the box, I stood on its right where I had no interference from the box, which brought me on the Fairway, NOT nearer the hole. I then dropped the ball within one club-length, which rolled another foot away. I am right-handed. The junction box is left of the Fairway –approximately three feet off the Fairway – as one is looking from Tee to the hole. My fellow golfer however insisted that I should have stood on the left of the box (and not on the Fairway) to avoid its interference with my back swing to the intended line of play. Could you please clarify the Rule? 
Lou from Pune, India

Dear Lou,

Your fellow golfer was correct.

If you are a right-handed golfer, and the immovable obstruction (two-foot junction box) is on the left side of the fairway in the rough, you’re nearest point of complete relief (NPCR) will be on the left side, in the rough. In the same situation, the NPCR for a left-handed golfer would be on the right side of the obstruction, in the fairway.

In seeking free relief from an immovable obstruction, you must find the nearest point of complete relief, not the most favorable point. If you were to simulate the stroke you would use to play the shot if the obstruction were not there, you would easily see that you would have to take your relief to the left of this particular obstruction. Please read the Definition of “Nearest Point of Complete Relief.”

I am a little concerned about your drop. If the ball rolled one foot but remained within the relief area (within one club-length of the reference point, no closer to the hole), your drop was good. However, if it rolled outside the relief area, you are required to re-drop. Failure to re-drop would result in the general penalty.

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