Monday, January 14, 2008

Ask Linda #10 - water in bunker

Dear Linda,
I hit a shot into a bunker that was completely full of water. My friends and I raked the water and found several golf balls, none of which were mine. What are my options?

Dear Lulu,

This is what the rulebook calls “ball lost in abnormal ground conditions.” Ordinarily you would get free relief, but the rules get a little more complicated when bunkers are involved. Here are your choices:

1. If you can find a spot in the bunker to drop your ball that is not nearer the hole, you may do so without penalty. Should this dropped ball roll into the water, try the drop again. If it rolls into the water a second time you may now place the ball on the spot where it first hit the sand when you re-dropped. When you place the ball, if it too rolls into the water you may not push the ball into the sand to keep it from rolling. Your luck has run out and you will have to proceed with option #2.

2. Under penalty of one stroke, you may drop the ball outside the bunker on the line-of-sight to the hole. There is no limit to how far behind the bunker the ball may be dropped.

3. Under penalty of one stroke, you may hit another ball from where you hit your previous shot.

Save those balls you raked out of the trap. After your round, you can practice hitting shots that will keep you out of trouble!


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