Thursday, April 18, 2019

Ask Linda 1897-Repair damage to hole caused by player’s ball

Hi Linda,
Whilst watching golf from "The Players" last week I saw Ryan Moore hole his tee shot at the 17th by hitting the flagstick and the ball deflecting vertically down into the hole. A close up of the hole was broadcast which showed that the ball had damaged the edge of it. The commentators then stated that they hoped he didn't repair the damage inside the hole as this was against the rules. Ryan Moore called a referee to sort it out. I couldn't really find anything in the player’s edition of the 2019 rules and as all players are expected to repair pitch-marks or other damage to the greens I suspect a lot of players would just go ahead and make a repair in this situation without knowing the consequences of their action. Always assuming the broadcast team was correct.
We have a group of  "Rules Experts" at my club who are nearly always on the ball with them but this situation had them all stumped so your help with this would be most welcome.
Many thanks, as always, 
Lou from Oxford, UK

Dear Lou,

I would suggest that you not accept the comments of the broadcasters as gospel. Players are now permitted to repair damage to the green, which includes damage to the hole caused by the impact of the ball [Rule 13.1c(2)].

The player has always had the right to repair ball marks on the putting green (including on his line of play), and damage to the hole caused by the impact of a ball (in effect, a ball mark). What is new in 2019 is that just about any damage to the putting green may now be repaired, such as spike marks; scrapes or indentations caused by equipment, a flagstick, or maintenance tools; animal tracks; hoof indentations; embedded objects (such as stones or acorns); and hail.

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