Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Ask Linda 1863-Place club on ground for alignment

A fellow golfer recently stepped up to his tee shot mid-way through a round. While he was getting ready to hit he wondered if he was aiming correctly.

He consequently placed his driver on the ground, alongside his feet and saw that he was aiming too far right.

He picked up the club, realigned himself and then made his tee shot. Oddly enough he hit it out of bounds but that’s nothing to do with my question.

My question is under Rule 10.2 was he allowed to place the club on the ground at all?
Lou from Wellington, New Zealand

Dear Lou,


Rule 10.2b(3) prohibits a player from taking a stance using any object set down to help him line up his feet or body. This player breached the Rule as soon as he set the club down alongside his feet; he cannot avoid penalty by backing away and removing the club. The penalty is loss of hole in match play, two strokes in stroke play.

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