Friday, January 20, 2012

Ask Linda #403-Moving marker on green

Hi Linda,
What is the correct procedure for marking a ball on the green which is in the line of another player’s ball?

Dear Lulu,
If you have already marked your ball, then line your putter head up with a stationary object and move your marker to the other end of the putter head. If the player asks you to move your ball two putter-head lengths, simply repeat the same procedure. I always announce what object I am lining up with so there is no dispute as to which direction I must go to return my marker to its original position.

If you have not yet marked your ball, you have two choices:
(1) You may mark and lift your ball, and then follow the procedure explained in the previous paragraph.
(2) You may place your putter head next to the ball, and then place a marker at the end of your putter head. When you replace your ball, you must reverse the procedure exactly. Place the putter head next to your marker, and then replace the ball at the opposite end of the putter head.

Here is an excellent piece of advice I picked up from a wily old veteran of the game. When you are asked to move your marker, always place it upside-down on the green. That will serve to remind you that you moved your ball and must move it back before you putt.

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