Friday, June 26, 2009

Ask Linda #126- Cell phone penalty

Dear Linda,
I belong to a golf association that has a rule for both stroke and match play stating that cell phone use is prohibited (except for emergencies), and that the use of a cell phone during tournament or match play will result in a two-stroke/loss of hole penalty per incident. This penalty sounds a little fishy to me. Would you know whether golf associations are permitted to implement such a penalty for use of a cell phone?

Dear Lulu,

Cell phone rings and conversations can be a distraction on the golf course. Even the click of a camera in the middle of his swing can make Tiger growl.

Your instincts are good, Lulu. A straight out two-stroke/loss of hole penalty for the use of a cell phone is not a solution allowed by the USGA. Let’s take a look at what golf clubs and golf associations are permitted to do to save us from electronic distractions.

The most important thing to remember is that use of a cell phone for other than emergency calls is an etiquette issue. In the section on Etiquette in the front of your rule book players are reminded to show consideration for other players on the course. There is even a sentence stating “players should ensure that any electronic device taken onto the course does not distract other players.” If a Committee decides to ban the use of cell phones (such a ban is within the rights of a Committee), then the use of a cell phone would be a breach of etiquette and should be reported to the Committee. The Committee would then have the option of immediately disqualifying the offending player (a bit harsh, in my humble opinion), or of issuing a warning and then disqualifying the player if the use is repeated (much more reasonable). The Committee is given the right (Rule 33-7) to disqualify a player for a serious breach of etiquette; repeatedly disturbing other players by using a cell phone, after having received a warning, could certainly qualify as a serious breach.

Under USGA rules, a Committee is not permitted to impose a two-stroke or loss of hole penalty for the use of a cell phone. This is strictly an etiquette issue, and the only penalty that is an option is disqualification.

There is another rules violation related to the use of a cell phone. If a player calls someone to ask for or offer advice during a round, which is a violation of Rule 8-1 (Advice), then he would be disqualified for a breach of Rule 14-3. This is probably not what your association was concerned about when it composed its cell phone policy, but any discussion of cell phone use would be incomplete if this unusual circumstance were not mentioned.

Please ask an official in your association to contact the USGA and ask for the official policy statement regarding the use of cell phones. That statement will clarify the issue, and should lead to your association publishing a corrected policy with regard to cell phone usage.

I’m delighted to learn that you are so vigilant about reading the rules of your golf association, and that it is important to you that your association apply the rules correctly.


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