Monday, April 1, 2019

Ask Linda 1884-Dropped ball hits player before ground

Lou dropped ball from knee height a few days ago and it struck his foot before hitting the ground. Discussion was had and while we agreed the new rule says ball should not hit player before it touches ground, none of us knew what to do. Should Lou just re-drop (as if he had accidentally dropped from shoulder height), or is there a penalty for this? Thanks - love your blog!
Lou from Driggs, Idaho

Dear Lou,

If the ball touches any part of your body before it touches the ground, there is no penalty and you must re-drop. There is no limit to the number of times you must re-drop under this circumstance (although there may be a limit to the patience of the other golfers in your group if this goes on too long!). This re-drop does not count as one of the two drops required before you must place the ball [Rule 14.3b].

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