Monday, August 4, 2014

Ask Linda #891-Step on ball

Hi Linda,
Looking for my ball this morning, in rough on a pretty sodden course, I accidentally trod on my ball and pressed it into the ground. Well and truly plugged.

Two questions please.
a.    Any penalty for treading on my ball?
b.    Could I have taken relief?

Many thanks in advance.
Lou from West Wickham, England

Dear Lou,

When you stepped on your ball and pressed it into the ground, you moved your ball in play. The penalty is one stroke, and you must replace your ball before you hit it [Rule 18-2a]. Since your original lie was altered, you must place the ball in the nearest lie that is most similar to your original lie, no closer to the hole, within one club-length, and not in a hazard [Rule 20-3b (i)].

If you do not replace the ball before you hit it, the penalty is two strokes. In addition, you will have a difficult shot trying to extricate the plugged ball. A one-stroke penalty and a better lie is certainly a preferred outcome, which is why it is so important to know the Rules.

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