Sunday, January 26, 2014

Ask Linda #782a-Expanding #782

Good response [Ask Linda #782] but you should have expanded your explanation to include what else the player could have done, i.e., proceed under Rule 24-3 and avoid any penalty.
Lou from Virginia

Dear Lou,

Excellent point. If a player hits his ball into an immovable obstruction (such as a trash can), he is entitled to free relief. It wouldn’t matter if the player could not recover the ball, as long as his fellow competitor(s) witnessed the ball enter the obstruction.

The player must drop the ball (if he recovers it) or a ball (if he cannot retrieve it or it is lost in the obstruction) within one club-length of the nearest point of relief that is no closer to the hole [Rule 24-2b or 24-3b]. If the ball is not found, the ball is deemed to lie at the spot where it last crossed into the obstruction; in measuring relief he will use that spot as his reference point.

This is a free drop. If the player prefers not to seek relief near the obstruction (perhaps the area in which he would have to drop is deep rough), he may play another ball under stroke and distance and add one penalty stroke to his score (which was the procedure chosen by the subject of Ask Linda #782).

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