Hi Linda,
It's not always warm down here in Florida. In fact we teed
off this morning with temps at 46 degrees. Since early days walking and
carrying my bag, riding now, I've carried two balls, one in each pocket.
Because I've been told warm balls go further, I alternate balls from each
pocket till it warms up. I do not change once I've teed off, only at the tees.
Is this legal? My partners know this and don't object; in fact they think it's
a good idea. What do you say?
Lou from Florida
Dear Lou,
I hope to be long retired from writing answers to golf
questions when the USGA decides to ban the use of pockets to carry a spare ball
or two!
Yes, you may put your balls in your pockets. Natural body
heat is not an artificial device. However, hand warmers are artificial devices.
If you put both your ball and a hand warmer in the same pocket for the purpose
of warming your ball, you are in breach of Rule 14-3. The penalty is
disqualification. You are not in breach of this Rule if you artificially warm
your balls prior to the start of your round [Decision 14-3/13.5].
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