Dear readers,
The excerpts below are from The USGA Handicap System manual. The USGA is trying to drive home the points that (1) you must post scores from both match play and stroke play, even when you do not complete a hole; and (2) if you do not post a score, the Handicap Committee has the authority to post it for you.
Dear Linda,
I came across the following from the USGA handicap manual, which would be relevant to the scenario from Lulu of NZ [Ask Linda #430-Not posting high scores]:

Scores in both match play and stroke play must be posted for handicap purposes. This includes scores made in match play, in multi-ball, or in team competitions in which players have not completed one or more holes or in which players are requested to pick up when out of contention on a hole. (See Decision 5-1c/1 and Section 4.)

If a player fails to post a score, the Handicap Committee may post the score without the player's authorization. (See Section 8-4b.) In a competition, the committee in charge of the competition may post the scores of all competitors. The committee must notify the players that it will post the scores in order to prevent scores from being posted by both the players and the committee.
With best regards,
Lou from Malaysia
Dear Lou,
Thanks for the reinforcement.